We are an academically challenging university known for inspirational teaching, dedicated mentoring, and ambitious scholarship and creative work, grounded in the liberal arts with the added breadth of business, leadership, law, and continuing studies. Our teacher-scholar model, combined with small class sizes, high levels of mentoring, and personalized support is distinctive and transformative. Our world-class faculty are world-class mentors. Our incredible staff are fundamental to our academic mission.
We are an intellectually vibrant community that values curiosity and sees education as a lifelong process of discovery and growth. We prepare students to contribute to and meet the challenges of a complex world.
We aspire to provide an unparalleled academic environment that offers endless possibilities for learning and engagement. We will be the premier destination and home for outstanding students, staff, and teacher-scholars.
To become even more academically excellent, we will:

Expand the size of the faculty to strengthen our intellectual community, scholarship, and academic offerings and ensure we can continue to provide the faculty-student engagement that is so vital to the University of Richmond experience
- Recruit additional full-time, tenure-track and tenured faculty to strengthen our academic programs, our mentoring culture, and our teacher-scholar model
- Create additional chaired professorships and faculty fellowships
- Explore opportunities for faculty hiring in areas of strategic importance, such as health studies, in analytics broadly defined, and in disciplines that help us address global grand challenges such as inequality, economic prosperity, strengthening our democratic institutions, sustainability, and climate
- Ensure that growth in faculty is supported by appropriate levels of staff to support our academic mission
Continue to recruit outstanding students and provide them with robust, best-in-class academic resources to support their educational journey here and beyond
- Enhance resources and programs for academic support, including establishing a state-of-the-art learning center on our campus with centrally located academic resources (e.g., speech, writing, academic skills, quantitative) to equip and connect Spiders with skills and pathways to support their development and make the most of our University’s vibrant intellectual community
- Enhance our academic advising programs, from orientation to graduation
- Constantly focus on strategies to attract, retain and support outstanding students

Retain world-class faculty and expand support for teaching, mentoring, scholarship, and creative production
- Invest in the Faculty Hub and build its capability to connect faculty and support teaching and scholarship
- Enhance existing (and provide additional) opportunities for faculty development and provide accessible pathways for faculty to obtain resources that will help them excel in their work
- Continue to seek out ways to retain and recognize outstanding faculty, including through the awarding of endowed chairs and fellowships
- Explore strategies to ensure faculty have more time to advance their teaching and mentoring and advance their scholarship and creative production
We aspire to provide an unparalleled academic environment that offers endless possibilities for learning and engagement. We will be the premier destination and home for outstanding students, staff, and teacher-scholars.